Check out DJ Nomad NYC below! This is some great dance music. I LOVE the beat.....makes me go crazy with my hips. I went to a club and had a blast dancing the other night!

from "Lights Out"
(Cable Recordings)

...but I got Wild if You Want It
"She was a difficult and temperamental person, she had her love affairs, which frequently interfered with her work, but she never was a real problem. Bessie was a person for whose artistry, at least, I had the profoundest respect. I don't ever remember any artist in all my long, long years -- and this goes back to some of the famous singers, including Billie Holiday -- who could evoke the response from her listeners that Bessie did. Whatever pathos there is in the world, whatever sadness she had, was brought out in her singing -- and the audience knew it and responded to it."
- Apollo Theater owner Frank Schiffman